Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE
Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss
Federal Office of Topography swisstopo

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The typical level of consumption in a four-person household is 3'500 kWh.


Half of roof surface covered – low use


Three quarters of roof surface covered – typical use


Roof surface fully covered – optimum use


Your roof surface area


Roof pitch




Surface area

Solar radiation onto your roof


Average solar radiation per annum


Total solar radiation per annum

Electricity production in the past twelve months

Feed-in remuneration tariffs



Solar potential of

Roofs and facades: Solar electricity only


solar electricity


Roofs and facades: Combination of solar electricity and solar heat


solar electricity


solar heat

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Your house façade is suitable for generating electricity and thermal energy. Find out more at

How do I obtain a solar energy system?

How were these figures calculated?

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Please note

The solar potential analysis is carried out automatically and does not substitute professional consulting. This figure concerns an estimate of the yield when the entire roof surface is used. The actual yield may vary from the automatically calculated figure. No indications can be deduced from regarding the requirement of, or the suitability for, a building permit.

Solar electricity
Maximum yield calculations are based on the use of the entire roof surface (i.e. maximum surface area of the modules). Installations such as skylights, dormers, chimneys and balconies have not been taken into account in the calculations. In most cases, it is worthwhile to equip the entire real usable roof area with a PV system. As of September 2022, a efficiency of 20% of the pv-panels is assumed (previously 17%).

For the calculation of the solar electricity yield, the figure of 10 cents per kilowatt hour is applied. This factor is derived from the following assumptions: a portion of the produced electricity is used by the producer, and costs of up to 20 cents per kilowatt hour can be saved. Most of the produced electricity is fed into the grid at less than 10 cents per kilowatt hour. Please note that feed-in tariffs, as well as electricity prices, vary considerably in Switzerland.

Solar heat
Heating and hot water requirement are calculated on the basis of the data from the register of buildings and dwellings. The results may vary considerably from the effective figures, depending on the degree of renovation of the building or its heating system.

The calculation of the heat yield is based on a collector surface area that may be smaller than the available roof surface. The reason for this is that the system has to be optimally dimensioned in relation to the building’s heating and hot water requirements. For this purpose, the optimal volume of the heat storage is also calculated.

Combination of solar electricity and solar heat
Combined use of solar electricity and solar heat is also possible.

Feed-in remuneration tariffs
The remuneration tariff displayed applies to the energy fed into the grid from a PV installation with 10 kVA connected load. This includes remuneration for the certificate of origin, provided this is accepted without limitation. Data source: / Verband unabhängiger Energieerzeuger (VESE)

For an in-depth analysis of your building, please use the solar calculator provided by SwissEnergy.